shala spa

Indulgence in tranquility at our luxury retreat where every moment is a journey into serenity. Nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Bali, our intimate massage room offers a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation, elevated by breathtaking views that inspire the soul.

As you step into our serene haven, let the cares of the world melt away as skilled hands work their magic, easing tension and restoring balance to body and mind. Our intimate massage room is a haven of peace, where the gentle rustle of leaves and the soothing sounds of nature create a harmonious backdrop to your wellness journey.

Immerse yourself in the essence of Bali as you surrender to the healing touch of our expert therapists, who draw upon ancient techniques and modern practices to Taylor each treatment to your individual needs. Whether you seek deep relaxation, revitalization, or simply a moment of blissful escape, our massage room offers a sanctuary where you can reconnect with your inner self and embrace the beauty of the present moment.


Available every day (9 AM – 8 PM).

Booking one day in advance.

Price per person, minimum 1 person, private session.

60 Minutes IDR 300.000,- net
90 Minutes IDR 400.000,- net
120 Minutes IDR 650.000,- net